Common SIP Response Codes
100 Trying: Caller is attempting to make the call
180 Ringing: Call is progressing
183 Progressing: Call is progressing. Ringing is normally heard.
200 OK: Successful request. During a call invite this means the start of the call
404 Not Found: Request URI isn't found. This could be a bad number or extension.
407 Proxy Auth Required: Invite received but was missing the authentication. This is expected. Remote party should respond back with authentication
486 Busy Here: Called party is busy
503 Service Unavailable: System is undergoing maintenance or is temporarily overloaded. Expected behavior is to move to next resource. Different endpoints and firmware will respond differently. This is sometimes configurable.
606 Not Acceptable: Some aspects of the session description are not acceptable. This could be requested media, bandwidth, or addressing style.