Call Routing Best Practices
Table of Contents
Intended Audience: All End Users
This article outlines some of the most common call routing configurations and our best practices for setting them up.
- Office Manager Access to Manager Portal or higher
- It is recommended to review the articles below for background information
Scenario #1
The most common routing request is to route incoming calls during business hours and then different routing on holidays and after hours. This setup reflects calls ringing multiple users during business hours and then to an auto attendant after hours, however the destinations can be replaced with any desired outcome
- In this scenario, there would be 2 time frames created, one for Business Hours using days and times of the week, and one for Holidays using specific dates or ranges.
- Create 2 Auto Attendants, one for Holidays and one for After hours. Make sure both time frames are set to default
- Create 1 call queue named Business Hours of type Ring All. Forward when unanswered can go to the after-hours AA or another user's voicemail as desired. Add agents for the phones that need to ring
- On the phone number, configure the time of day routing following the screenshot below
- Create a call queue of type linear cascade
- In In Queue Options, set the Agent timeout to the number of rings before calls ring all users.
- Add agents. The first user to ring should have Order in Linear hunt set to 1. Additional users should have the order set to 2
Scenario #2
Another common request is to have calls ring to a particular user first, then ring additional extensions after 2-3 rings.
- Create a call queue of type linear cascade
- In In Queue Options, set the Agent timeout to the number of rings before calls ring all users.
- Add agents. The first user to ring should have Order in Linear hunt set to 1. Additional users should have the order set to 2